Financial Goals for Teens: How to Set, Achieve, and Grow Wealth Before 18

Financial Goals for Teens Learn how to set, achieve, and grow wealth before 18 with simple steps to start building financial success early, The teenage years are the perfect time to start building a solid financial foundation. Learning how to set and achieve financial goals early not only helps in managing money better but also lays the groundwork for future wealth. By the time teens reach 18, they can be well on their way to financial independence if they follow the right steps.

Financial Goals for Teens:

1. Why Financial Goals Are Important for Teens

Setting financial goals early in life is essential for several reasons:

  1. Building Financial Habits: Developing good money habits in the teenage years ensures that they stick around in adulthood. Teens who learn how to budget, save, and invest will carry these habits into their future.
  2. Long-Term Success: Teens who start saving early can take advantage of compound interest, allowing them to grow their money significantly over time.
  3. Financial Independence: By setting and achieving financial goals, teens can avoid common money pitfalls and take control of their financial future.

Read also: Financial Freedom for Teens: How to Start Building Wealth Early with Easy Steps

2. Steps to Setting Financial Goals for Teens:

Setting achievable financial goals requires a well-thought-out plan. Here are five practical steps teens can follow to ensure success:

1. Identify What You Want to Achieve

Whether it’s saving for college, purchasing a car, or starting a business, having a clear goal is crucial. Ask yourself, “What do I want to achieve with my money?” Be as specific as possible. For example, instead of saying, “I want to save money,” a more effective goal would be, “I want to save $2,000 by the end of the year for a new laptop.”

2. Set SMART Financial Goals

The SMART framework is a great tool for goal-setting:

  • Specific: Make sure your goal is clear.
  • Measurable: Ensure you can track your progress.
  • Achievable: Set goals that are realistic.
  • Relevant: Your goals should align with your overall financial objectives.
  • Time-bound: Set a deadline to reach your goal.

An example of a SMART goal would be: “I want to save $1,000 by my 17th birthday for an emergency fund by saving $50 a month for the next 20 months.”

3. Create a Budget

Teens may not have full-time jobs, but they can still create a budget. Budgeting helps in managing allowances, part-time job earnings, and even gifts. A simple budget should include:

  • Income: Total amount of money received.
  • Expenses: Money spent on needs and wants.
  • Savings: A portion set aside for financial goals.

Sticking to a budget is crucial to staying on track with financial goals.

4. Start Saving and Investing Early

The earlier you start saving, the better. Even small amounts saved consistently over time can grow significantly due to compound interest. Investing is another powerful way to grow wealth. Teens can start by learning about basic investment vehicles like stocks, bonds, or mutual funds.

5. Monitor Your Progress

Once you’ve set your financial goals and created a plan, it’s important to regularly monitor your progress. Tracking how much you’ve saved or spent will allow you to make adjustments and stay on target.

Read more: How to Teach Teenagers to Budget: Best Tools and Tips for Managing Allowances

3. Best Books for Teens to Learn About Financial Goals

Reading is an excellent way to enhance financial literacy. Here are some of the best books on Amazon for teens looking to grow their wealth:

1. “The Teen’s Guide to Personal Finance” by Joshua Holmberg and David Bruzzese

This book covers the basics of earning, saving, spending, and investing, with tips on how to set and achieve financial goals at a young age.

2. “I Want More Pizza” by Steve Burkholder

Written for teens, this book simplifies money management and teaches how to budget, save, and grow wealth in an engaging and relatable way.

3. “The Money Savvy Student” by Adam Carroll

Focused on financial habits for young adults, this book helps teens understand how to handle money wisely and avoid debt traps before reaching adulthood.

4. “Smart Money Smart Kids” by Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze

Written by renowned financial expert Dave Ramsey and his daughter Rachel, this book teaches teens and parents how to handle money with intention and avoid costly mistakes.

Note: You can order these books on Amazon to help you get started on your financial journey by clicking on the book title or image. Good luck to you.


Setting financial goals as a teen is one of the most important steps toward achieving financial independence and wealth in adulthood. By identifying goals, creating a budget, and learning about saving and investing, teens can ensure that they’re on the right path to financial success. The earlier you start, the greater your potential for long-term wealth.


1. What is the best way for teens to save money?

The best way for teens to save money is by setting a savings goal, creating a budget, and automating their savings, such as setting aside a portion of their allowance or job earnings each month.

2. Can teens invest in the stock market?

Yes, teens can invest in the stock market with the help of a parent or guardian who can open a custodial account for them.

3. What are some good financial goals for teens?

Good financial goals for teens include saving for college, purchasing a car, building an emergency fund, or investing in the stock market.

4. How much should teens save each month?

Teens should aim to save at least 20% of their income, whether it comes from allowances, part-time jobs, or gifts.

5. Why is it important for teens to start saving early?

Starting early allows teens to take advantage of compound interest, which helps their savings grow faster over time. Early saving also builds good financial habits that will benefit them throughout life.