Top 10 Best-Selling Money Audiobooks You Can Try for Free on Amazon

Discover the Top 10 Best-Selling Money Audiobooks and finance that will help you achieve financial freedom, and you can try them for free on Amazon.

Looking for the best audiobooks to master your finances? You’re in the right place! In this guide, we’ve rounded up the top 10 best-selling audiobooks about money and finance, all of which you can try for free. Whether you’re looking to build wealth, manage your money better, or understand investing, these audiobooks offer invaluable insights. With options like The Psychology of Money and Rich Dad Poor Dad, you’ll be well on your way to financial freedom. Get ready to listen and transform your financial future—all at no cost!

Top 10 Best-Selling Money Audiobooks:

  1. The Psychology of Money

By Morgan Housel
This best-selling audiobook dives into how people think about money and why behavior is more crucial than technical knowledge when it comes to financial success. It blends timeless wisdom with modern-day insights to teach lessons about wealth, greed, and happiness.

2. Rich Dad Poor Dad

By Robert T. Kiyosaki
One of the most searched finance books, Rich Dad Poor Dad contrasts the financial advice from two father figures, challenging the traditional beliefs about money and financial education. It emphasizes how the rich think differently about assets and liabilities.

3. I Will Teach You to Be Rich

By Ramit Sethi
A step-by-step guide to achieving financial independence, Ramit Sethi’s book is ideal for young adults looking to manage money without sacrificing the things they love. The audiobook focuses on conscious spending, automating investments, and maximizing credit.

Read also: Top 10 Books on Financial Freedom You Must Read

4. The Simple Path to Wealth

By JL Collins
Offering an easy-to-understand approach to investing and personal finance, JL Collins focuses on financial independence through low-cost index funds and practical money management strategies. The book is particularly useful for those seeking a low-maintenance path to wealth.

5. Think and Grow Rich

By Napoleon Hill
A legendary book about success, Think and Grow Rich emphasizes the power of thoughts and desire in achieving financial goals. Based on the lives of famous millionaires, Hill’s principles continue to inspire readers seeking wealth creation strategies.

6. 12 Months to $1 Million

By Ryan Daniel Moran
This audiobook is perfect for entrepreneurs who want to create a million-dollar business in just one year. Moran provides actionable steps on how to build a scalable e-commerce brand by identifying profitable products and leveraging marketing strategies.

7. The Intelligent Investor

By Benjamin Graham
Known as the definitive guide to value investing, Benjamin Graham’s principles still resonate with modern-day investors. The audiobook, with additional commentary by Jason Zweig, teaches listeners how to make sound investment decisions and avoid common pitfalls.

Read more: 10 Books That Will Change Your Money Mindset

8. The Millionaire Next Door

By Thomas J. Stanley & William D. Danko
This audiobook reveals the surprising truth about America’s wealthy, showing that most millionaires live modestly, invest wisely, and avoid luxury spending. It emphasizes the importance of financial discipline and a long-term mindset for building wealth.

9. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

By T. Harv Eker
Eker explains how mental conditioning impacts financial success. This audiobook offers practical exercises to help listeners reprogram their thoughts and behaviors around money, leading to lasting wealth-building habits.

10. The Total Money Makeover

By Dave Ramsey
Ramsey’s financial advice focuses on getting out of debt, saving for the future, and living within one’s means. This audiobook provides a step-by-step plan to achieve financial stability using Ramsey’s famous “Baby Steps” approach.