What Do the Rich Teach Their Children?

Discover key lessons the rich teach their children about money and success. Learn the secrets of financial education from wealthy families.

Raising children to become successful, financially savvy adults is a goal for many parents. While most parents strive to provide their children with a good education and instill strong values, there is a notable difference in the way affluent families approach financial education. The rich have distinct strategies and lessons that they pass on to their children, setting them up for lifelong success. In this article, we will explore what the rich teach their children and how these lessons can be applied by any family to foster financial acumen and success.

What Do the Rich Teach Their Children?

1. The Importance of Financial Literacy

One of the most crucial lessons taught by wealthy families is the importance of financial literacy. Financial literacy involves understanding how money works, including the basics of budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt. From a young age, children in affluent families are introduced to concepts such as income, expenses, and the significance of saving a portion of their earnings.

Key Financial Concepts

  • Budgeting: Understanding how to create and stick to a budget.
  • Saving: Learning the importance of saving money for future needs and emergencies.
  • Investing: Gaining knowledge about different investment options and how to grow wealth over time.
  • Debt Management: Recognizing the dangers of excessive debt and how to manage it effectively.

2. The Value of Hard Work and Persistence

Contrary to popular belief, many wealthy individuals place a high value on hard work and persistence. They teach their children that success is not handed to them on a silver platter; it requires dedication, effort, and resilience. This lesson is often imparted through personal stories, involving children in family businesses, or encouraging them to pursue their own entrepreneurial ventures.

Building a Strong Work Ethic

  • Setting Goals: Encouraging children to set and achieve personal and professional goals.
  • Perseverance: Teaching the importance of not giving up in the face of challenges.
  • Responsibility: Instilling a sense of responsibility and accountability in their actions.

3. The Power of Networking

Networking is a critical skill that the wealthy emphasize. They teach their children the power of building and maintaining relationships. Successful networking can open doors to opportunities, provide valuable resources, and offer support in times of need.

Effective Networking Strategies

  • Social Skills: Developing strong interpersonal skills to connect with others.
  • Relationship Building: Fostering genuine relationships rather than superficial connections.
  • Leveraging Contacts: Utilizing one’s network for advice, mentorship, and opportunities.

4. Understanding Investments

Rich parents ensure their children understand the importance of investments. Investing wisely can be a key driver of wealth accumulation. From real estate to stocks, bonds, and alternative investments, children are taught how to evaluate and manage various investment opportunities.

Types of Investments

  • Stock Market: Learning about buying shares and the potential for long-term growth.
  • Real Estate: Understanding property investments and their benefits.
  • Entrepreneurship: Encouraging investments in business ventures.
  • Diversification: Teaching the importance of spreading investments to mitigate risks.

5. The Significance of Philanthropy

Wealthy families often instill a sense of philanthropy and social responsibility in their children. They teach the importance of giving back to the community and using their resources to make a positive impact on society.

Related article: Teaching Kids About Money A Comprehensive Guide

Philanthropic Practices

  • Charitable Donations: Encouraging regular donations to causes they care about.
  • Volunteering: Getting involved in community service and nonprofit organizations.
  • Social Enterprises: Supporting businesses that have a social or environmental mission.

6. Entrepreneurial Mindset

An entrepreneurial mindset is another critical lesson imparted by the rich. They encourage their children to think creatively, take risks, and pursue their passions. This mindset fosters innovation and can lead to the creation of successful businesses.

Fostering Entrepreneurship

  • Encouraging Innovation: Promoting creative thinking and problem-solving.
  • Risk-Taking: Teaching that calculated risks can lead to significant rewards.
  • Supportive Environment: Providing resources and support for entrepreneurial endeavors.

Read more: The Best 15 Books About the Billionaire Mindset

7. The Role of Education

While formal education is important, wealthy families also emphasize the value of continuous learning and self-education. They encourage their children to seek knowledge beyond the classroom and remain curious throughout their lives.

Lifelong Learning

  • Reading: Instilling a habit of reading diverse materials.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Attending events to learn new skills and stay updated on trends.
  • Mentorship: Seeking guidance and learning from experienced individuals.

8. Managing and Mitigating Risks

Risk management is a crucial skill taught by affluent parents. They educate their children on the importance of assessing and managing risks in various aspects of life, including investments, business decisions, and personal choices.

Risk Management Strategies

  • Insurance: Understanding different types of insurance and their importance.
  • Emergency Funds: Maintaining a financial cushion for unexpected situations.
  • Diversification: Spreading investments to reduce risk exposure.

9. Importance of Health and Wellbeing

Wealthy families understand that health and wellbeing are fundamental to long-term success and happiness. They teach their children to prioritize physical and mental health alongside their financial and professional goals.

Healthy Living Practices

  • Balanced Diet: Encouraging nutritious eating habits.
  • Regular Exercise: Promoting physical activity for overall health.
  • Mental Health: Emphasizing the importance of mental well-being and stress management.

10. Legacy Planning

Lastly, rich parents often teach their children about legacy planning. They focus on preparing the next generation to handle inherited wealth responsibly and continue the family legacy.

Key Aspects of Legacy Planning

  • Estate Planning: Understanding wills, trusts, and inheritance laws.
  • Family Values: Upholding and passing down core family values and traditions.
  • Financial Responsibility: Educating about the responsibilities that come with wealth.

Read also: How to Teach Kids Money Management: Comprehensive Guide

The Best Books About What Rich People Teach Their Children

1. Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki

“Rich Dad Poor Dad” is a seminal work that has influenced millions of readers worldwide. Robert T. Kiyosaki contrasts the financial advice he received from his biological father (Poor Dad) with that from his best friend’s father (Rich Dad).

  • Key Lessons:
    • Financial Education: Understanding the difference between assets and liabilities.
    • Investment Strategies: How to make money work for you instead of working for money.
    • Entrepreneurial Mindset: The importance of thinking like an entrepreneur rather than an employee.

Kiyosaki emphasizes the importance of financial literacy, critical thinking, and investing in assets that generate passive income.

2. The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko

“The Millionaire Next Door” explores the common traits and habits of America’s wealthy. Based on extensive research, Stanley and Danko reveal that many millionaires live modestly and are disciplined savers and investors.

  • Key Lessons:
    • Frugality: Wealthy individuals often live below their means.
    • Discipline: Consistent saving and investing habits.
    • Education: Prioritizing learning and self-improvement over conspicuous consumption.

This book dispels many myths about the rich and shows that wealth accumulation is more about discipline and smart choices than it is about high incomes.

3. The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason

“The Richest Man in Babylon” uses parables set in ancient Babylon to impart timeless financial wisdom. George S. Clason’s classic teaches fundamental principles of money management.

  • Key Lessons:
    • Savings: The importance of saving a portion of your income.
    • Investment: Making wise investments and understanding the power of compound interest.
    • Financial Planning: The value of planning for the future and managing expenses.

This book is highly recommended for its simple yet profound insights into managing money effectively.

4. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

“Think and Grow Rich” is a classic self-help book that has inspired countless entrepreneurs and professionals. Napoleon Hill’s work focuses on the mindset necessary for achieving financial success.

  • Key Lessons:
    • Positive Thinking: The power of a positive mental attitude.
    • Goal Setting: The importance of setting clear, achievable goals.
    • Persistence: Overcoming obstacles through determination and perseverance.

Hill’s book is a powerful guide for developing the mental discipline required for financial success.

5. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham

“The Intelligent Investor” is widely regarded as the bible of value investing. Benjamin Graham’s principles have influenced many successful investors, including Warren Buffett.

  • Key Lessons:
    • Value Investing: Buying undervalued stocks and holding them for the long term.
    • Risk Management: Understanding and mitigating investment risks.
    • Market Behavior: The importance of not getting swayed by market emotions.

This book provides a solid foundation for anyone interested in long-term investing.

6. Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker

“Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” explores the psychological aspects of wealth building. T. Harv Eker explains how mental conditioning influences financial success.

  • Key Lessons:
    • Wealth Blueprint: How your subconscious beliefs about money affect your financial reality.
    • Positive Habits: Developing habits that promote wealth accumulation.
    • Financial Success: The importance of adopting a mindset that is conducive to financial prosperity.

Eker’s insights help readers reprogram their minds for financial success.

7. Financial Peace Revisited by Dave Ramsey

“Financial Peace Revisited” by Dave Ramsey offers practical advice for achieving financial stability and independence. Ramsey’s approach is based on getting out of debt and building wealth through disciplined financial practices.

  • Key Lessons:
    • Debt Management: Strategies for paying off debt quickly and efficiently.
    • Budgeting: Creating and sticking to a budget.
    • Saving: Building an emergency fund and investing for the future.

Ramsey’s no-nonsense approach makes it a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their financial situation.

8. The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey

“The Total Money Makeover” is another of Dave Ramsey’s influential works. It provides a step-by-step plan for achieving financial health and security.

  • Key Lessons:
    • Baby Steps: A clear, actionable plan for financial success.
    • Emergency Fund: The importance of having savings to cover unexpected expenses.
    • Investing: Building wealth through smart investment choices.

Ramsey’s practical advice is designed to help readers take control of their finances and achieve their financial goals.

9. Rich Kids by Tom Corley

“Rich Kids” by Tom Corley offers insights into the daily habits of wealthy individuals and how they pass these habits onto their children. Corley’s research identifies key behaviors that contribute to financial success.

  • Key Lessons:
    • Daily Habits: The significance of productive daily routines.
    • Education: The role of continuous learning and self-improvement.
    • Networking: Building and maintaining valuable relationships.

This book is particularly useful for parents looking to instill successful habits in their children.

10. The Wealthy Gardener by John Soforic

“The Wealthy Gardener” is a compelling narrative that combines financial wisdom with life lessons. John Soforic shares his experiences and insights through the allegorical figure of the Wealthy Gardener.

  • Key Lessons:
    • Time Management: Using time wisely to achieve financial and personal goals.
    • Financial Independence: Strategies for achieving financial freedom.
    • Life Balance: Balancing work, wealth, and personal fulfillment.

Soforic’s engaging storytelling makes complex financial concepts accessible and relatable.


The lessons that wealthy families teach their children go beyond mere financial success. They encompass a holistic approach to life, including financial literacy, hard work, networking, investments, philanthropy, entrepreneurship, education, risk management, health, and legacy planning. By adopting these principles, any family can equip their children with the tools and mindset needed for a prosperous and fulfilling life. Embracing these teachings can help bridge the gap between financial struggle and financial freedom, paving the way for a brighter future.